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10 Reasons Why You’re More Than An Average Mom

Pregnant women get advice on everything. Women bend over backwards to offer their two cents on daycares, baby food, and swaddling. In the midst of dishing out must-do’s for the mother-to-be, somehow, no one ever mentions what to do when you feel like an average mom. I honestly don’t see why not because the moment that little person crosses the utero threshold, the feelings of not measuring up begin.

Many of us set out with high hopes of becoming a super mom. After all, we’ve not only dreamt about this moment, we’ve read books, watched DVDs, and listened to podcast all in preparation for the day we would become a mom. And once those tiny humans get here, we overwork ourselves trying to reach unreachable mommydom standards. We find ourselves striving to be “that mom” who makes organic baby food, posts adorable milestone pics on Facebook, trains our child to sleep through the night, use the potty, and read before they turn one. We attempt to plan Pinterest perfect parties, keep well-kept homes and cars, raise perfect kids, create perfect meals, get our bodies back, put them in activities every day of the week, work outside the home, run our own businesses, and lead a balanced life.

Yet, in the midst of all we do as mommies, so many of us simply end the day feeling average. We carry around a gnawing feeling that we don’t measure up, we didn’t do enough, and we’re failing at this thing called motherhood. I have felt this way more times than I’d like to admit and if you find yourself in a similar place, be encouraged!

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